Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So I am going to do this at least 2 times a week...most will be funny (my life is), sometimes inspiring

So I got up this morning, did my prayers, did some yoga, and did a suicide Susie mission to the office to fax something off at like 7:30. I walk out the door and I kid you not this dog looked back at his owner and laid out, not on the side contemplating, but stomach fur to the air in protest about going back to his house. I had a glorious laugh fit on the porch, his owner was like why are you being so difficult. I asked what was the issue and she said that he is having a fit because he is used to taking longer walks. She was so nice she bent over and carried him until he got antsy and walked on his own, back to the house. I  often look at things or occurrences that I encounter and wonder if there is a message there for me...yes I do that. So back to the scenario...I saw or could see myself in the roles of both the owner and the dog. I ultimately control what my response is in the situations I encounter. I can wallow in my defeat (the dog) or I can look at it, learn from it, pick up and move where I know I am supposed to go,and eventually the situation comes to terms with itself and accepts the ultimate plan.